Alessandra for her unconditional support without this support, it was not possible.

Franco Barbon owner of TOPTECH Solution, without him and his help nothing was possible. Forever THANK dear Friend!!

Andrea Alberton for his continuous and precious help and advice. A myth in the nautical world. Always there to give me nice advise and information about anything.
Uncle Boris Thanking You for everything indeed, always very kind enough to me.
Piero  A world of thanks for his immense skill and availability! Most of the work in Dreamer is his work.He helped me a lot during the whole project. Thank You, Piero


In memory of my mate FRANCO LIBRALATO always in my mind and

part of my life

13 pensieri su “THANKS

  1. Ciao!
    Always nice to see how devoted one can be to a beautiful boat.(I own a M26 myself)
    Purtroppo, the only photos i see are of the bilge.

    Salutare dall’Olanda

  2. Complimenti per i lavori che stai effettuando… mi ricordano i lavori che ho effettuato all’interno del mio caipirinha dei cantieri gilardoni, tenuta dai vecchi proprietari come un gallinaio, ed ora risplendono… se ti trovi passando da Le Castella (isola capo rizzuto – Calabria) fai un fischio magari ci si vede… sarebbe bello. Ciao Roby.

  3. Hi,

    Is your beautiful boat still for sale?
    If so for how much?
    If not, what was the sale price please (we are looking buying a Marieholm 26).
    Also where is she berthed.



  4. Ciao Gabriel

    I’m Mikko from Finland and I just bought me a Marieholm IF boat. Your blog and pictures are a great inspiration to me as I am starting a same kind of renovation project as you have done with Dreamer: taking down all the interior, installing new mats on the sides and also scraping the bottom from outside to do a new epoxi painting before new antifouling.

    I would have a lot of questions for you about your project and for many of my questions I have already found great answers from your pictures and blog texts.

    At the moment my biggest concern are a new seacock for a pentry I have planned to install, watertightening the genoa and jib rails and maybe installing backing plates for some of the holes and inlets on the deck. There are original windows in the boat and according to the previous owner they haven’t leaked, but I’m still propably going to do some kind of tightening for the windows now that the gaskets are of their place, hopefully the original parts will still go bak on their places.

    But already now I’m thanking you a great deal for your documentation work about the project, it’s giving me the confdence to start trying something similar with my boat.

    Mikko Saxberg

  5. Ciao Gabriele,
    sei un dono per me, possiedo un HR312 Mk1 del 85, e come potrai immaginare, dire che la dedizione con cui ti sei applicato per restaurare la tua bambina, mi ha reso un servizio impagabile, ora so dove mettere le mani in ogni parte dello scafo. Tengo la barca a Chioggia alle Saline, se mai ti venisse in mente di volerla vedere sarò felice ospitarti a bordo.
    Un grazie infinito per quanto mi hai insegnato, sono e sarò in debito con te per molto molto tempo.


  6. Hello Gabriele,

    Thank you for your great blog!

    I am working with a Grand Banks motor yacht and you have given me some good advices and examples.
    What is the tape that you use between stainless steel bolts and aluminium parts?
    Do you know seller for the Techimpex TOP 2 oven? I can´t find it anywhere. I looks very good and the size is perfect to my galley.

    With Regards

  7. Buongiorno Gabriele,

    grazie per tutte le sue video, non ho potuto fare a meno di guardarle una dopo l’altra.

    Mi sono per caso imbattuto per primo in quello degli interni della Folkeboot. Dato che voglio rifare gli headliner e l’arredamento di una barca svedese dello stesso periodo, sarebbe possibile contrattarla come consulente?
    La ringrazio in anticipo per il suo feedback via e-mail. Sarei lieto di discuterne con lei.

    Cordiali saluti,

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